On July 13, 2017, the House Committee on Appropriations voted to defund efforts to implement the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s (“EEOC”) revised Form EEO-1.  If the Appropriations Bill is ultimately passed, it will severely limit the EEOC’s ability to implement its revised EEO-1.

This development is particularly important for government contractors.  Government contractors have a lower threshold for EEO-1 compliance than traditional employers (government contractors with 50 or more employees must file an EEO-1, while traditional employers need only file an EEO-1 if they have 100 or more employees).  Thus, the revised EEO-1 is bound to disproportionately impact the government contractor community.  Moreover, government contractors have faced increased scrutiny in recent years from the OFCCP concerning compensation discrimination – particularly those contractors in the service industry and technology industry.  As such, avoiding another level of compensation disclosures through the revised EEO-1 – which OFCCP had planned to use to identify targets for audit – is highly beneficial to government contractors.

For more comprehensive coverage of this issues, please review our post on Law and the Workplace, available here.